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Glass and wood designer doors
New NOI collection Customizable shapes for every projectGlass and wood designer doors
New NOI collection Customizable shapes for every projectGarofoli and Gidea
More value for your design project. More ideas for your home. Doors, parquet, boiserie panels, and wall systems, all completely made in Italy. For 50 years.Garofoli and Gidea
More value for your design project. More ideas for your home. Doors, parquet, boiserie panels, and wall systems, all completely made in Italy. For 50 years.Choose the door to suit your design
Are you renovating a home? Choosing the right door is very important when it comes to furnishing and to making rooms even more practical. Explore all of our collections and find out why our products are more accurately fitting than any other artisan-made item and more exclusive than any industrial item.
Are you renovating a home? Choosing the right door is very important when it comes to furnishing and to making rooms even more practical. Explore all of our collections and find out why our products are more accurately fitting than any other artisan-made item and more exclusive than any industrial item.

Solutions for every room
Coordinating our doors to other products in the catalogue, such as parquet, boiserie panels and walk-in wardrobes, you can choose from an incredible variety of different combinations. You can transform every room, from the living room to your office, into the area you have always dreamed of creating.
Renovation #nostress
Are you renovating a home? Choosing the right door is very important when it comes to furnishing and to making rooms even more practical. Explore all of our collections and find out why our products are more accurately fitting than any other artisan-made item and more exclusive than any industrial item.
When you are planning a renovation, you find yourself faced with lots of choices and maybe a few doubts. Our magazine has lots of tips from expert interior designers as well as guides to help you choose.

Our total look for a residential project combining prestige, beauty and comfort